Friday, February 27, 2009

Digital Storytelling

I would use digital storytelling in my classroom as a fun interactive way to encourage my students to develop technology skills. The storytelling process prompts focusing on various subject matters, such as writing and creativity in Language Arts. I am presently a student-teacher at an Adaptive Education transitioning public school. Most of my students are autistic or are students with autistic tendencies. This concept at the simplest level would allow students who are unable to read or communicate verbally, to participate in a wide variety of digital storytelling venues.
Voice thread would help my students with verbal organizing skills to comment on any slide in the voice thread. Voice threads might be described as interactive media albums; basically they are online slide shows of images, videos, and documents that allow viewers to comment. They can be used for collaborative projects at all educational levels. Slideshare and slidecast also prompt participation, and online involvement by engaging students in a variety of activities.
As I develop my unit plan, I can foresee my students pooling their resources, to create their slideshare video projects of the knowledge they gain.

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